Friday, August 13, 2010

Health, longevity and beauty supplement

Three years on, I continue to watch my diet and level of alcohol consumption, since being overweight and too regular alcohol use are risk factors for breast cancer.

I have recently discovered Pearlcium, a Pearl Signal Protein Extract that contains highly absorbable calcium, essential trace minerals, amino acids and polysaccharides - all vital components of healthy tissues and organs.

No other mineral is capable of performing as many biological functions as is calcium. Calcium is involved in almost every biological function. This amazing mineral provides the electrical energy for the heart to beat and for all muscle movement. It is the calcium ion that is responsible for feeding every cell. It does this by latching on to seven nutrient molecules and one water molecule and pulls them through the nutrient channel. It then detaches its load and returns to repeat the process.

Another important biological job for calcium is DNA replication, which is crucial for maintaining youth and a healthy body. DNA replication is the basis for all body repair and can only occur “on a substrate of calcium”. Thus, low calcium means low body repair and premature aging. As important as all these and hundreds of other biological functions of calcium are to human health, none is more important than the job of pH control. Calcium to acid, is like water to a fire. Calcium quickly destroys oxygen robbing acid in the body fluids. Thus, the more calcium, the more oxygen, and therefore, the less cancer and other degenerative disease.

The Rene Caisse Story

A Life Devoted To Treating Cancer Patients

Rene Caisse obtained the ingredients for her famous herbal tea from a patient in 1922 whilst she worked as head nurse at the Sisters of Providence Hospital in Ontario, Canada. The patient claimed that a native Indian medicine man had told her she had breast cancer and claimed he could cure her with herbs. She had the diagnosis confirmed in Ontario where the doctors said that the cancer was so advanced they would have to perform a mastectomy immediately. Instead she took her chances with the Indian herbal healer and took his brew daily. She reported that her tumours gradually shrank then disappeared. She was cancer-free when Rene Caisse stumbled across her in the hospital nearly thirty years later.

Rene Caisse asked the woman for the formula in case she ever developed cancer herself. However it was Rene's aunt Mireza Potvin who was diagnosed with advanced cancer of the stomach in 1924 and given just 6 months to live. Rene asked for permission from her aunt's doctor, Dr R. O. Fisher, to treat her with the herbal brew. The doctor gave his consent. Rene's aunt drank the herbal brew for two months, during which time she recovered and went on to live another twenty-one years.

Dr. Fisher was so impressed that he teamed up with Rene to treat some of his other cancer patients for whom there was little hope. It wasn't long before news of the treatment spread to other doctors.

In 1926 after having monitored Rene Caisse treating cancer patients under their direction nine doctors petitioned the Canadian Federal Health Department to allow Rene to test her cancer treatment on a large scale. The doctors testified that Essiac reduced tumour size, prolonged life in hopeless cases and showed remarkably beneficial results even where everything else had been tried without effect.

The response came from Ottawa's Department of Health and Welfare; they sent two doctors to investigate armed with official papers to arrest Rene Caisse or to restrain her from practicing without a license. However one of them, a Dr. W. C. Arnold was so impressed by what he found that he urged Rene to continue her research. He arranged for Rene to conduct laboratory experiments at Christie Street Hospital Laboratories in Toronto, with Dr. Norich and Dr. Lockhead. She did so from 1928 through 1930 with excellent results, significantly extending the life of mice inoculated with Rous Sarcoma.

Rene had been doing further research with other doctors interested in her work. Rene gave up nursing to devote more time to her research and treatment of patients. Rene was determined to discover the precise combination of the herbs that would maximize their effect. Once this was discovered Rene named her brew "Essiac", simply her name spelt backwards.

Rene Caisse visited Dr. Frederick Banting at the University of Toronto, world famous for his discovery of insulin. After reading studying Rene's case notes, and examining evidence of patients treated, he said to her: "Miss Caisse, I will not say you have a cure for cancer. But you have more evidence of a beneficial treatment for cancer than anyone in the world."

Over the following years Rene Caisse treated thousands of patients in a clinic she set up with the help of the town council for Bracebridge. Shortly after the clinic was set up her mother was diagnosed with cancer of the liver, inoperable because she had also had a weak heart. A top specialist from Ontario Dr. Roscoe Graham gave her mother only days to live. Rene treated her mother with her Essiac brew and her mother began to recover after 10 days treatment. She continued on diminishing doses until she regained her full health and passed away quietly from heart disease 18 years later.

Rene was invited by Dr. John Wolfer, director of the tumour clinic at North-western University Medical School to treat thirty terminally ill cancer patients under the direction of 5 doctors in 1937. After supervising 18 months of Essiac therapy the Chicago doctors concluded that the herbal mixture prolonged life, shrank tumours and relieved pain.

Supporters of Rene Caisse submitted a bill to the Canadian parliament in 1938 to allow Rene Caisse to treat cancer patients with Essiac without the constant threat of arrest. Over 55,000 people gave their signatures to support the bill, including patients, their families and many doctors. The bill failed to pass by 3 votes after members of the medical profession assured the committee that if the bill was not passed they would then sponsor the appointment of a "Cancer Commission" to hear the case for Essiac and to give it a fair hearing. This was an unfulfilled promise.

In 1939 a Royal Cancer Commission was set up to investigate alternative cancer therapies. Many believed this was a judicial farce. 387 of Rene Caisse's patients turned up to testify. Only 49 patients were allowed to be heard. Those that were heard repeatedly told of how their doctors had given up on them only to be restored to health by Rene Caisse. In what many supporters believe to have been a disgraceful charade the commission classified cases as recovery due to orthodox techniques or simple misdiagnosis of cancer.

For example Annie Bonar testified that her uterine and bowel cancer had spread after radiotherapy. She weighed just ninety pounds and was about to have her arm amputated when she opted for Essiac therapy instead. After four months she had gained sixty pounds and was declared cancer free. The Royal Commission listed Annie Bonar's case as 'recovery due to radiation'.

Another patient Walter Hampson was restored after Essiac treatment and having refused radiotherapy. Despite only having had a tiny nodule removed for analysis the Commission classified his case as 'recovery due to surgery'.

In addition the Commission labelled many cases as 'misdiagnosis' despite having been diagnosed with cancer by two or more qualified physicians.

Using such tactics the Commission concluded that "the evidence adduced does not justify any favourable conclusions as to the merits of Essiac as a remedy for cancer ...".

In 1942, fearing imprisonment Rene Caisse closed her clinic and continued to treat patients in secrecy from her home. Documents from the Canadian Health Department indicate she was under surveillance during the 1950s.

In 1959 Rene was invited to the Brusch Medical Center in Massachusetts where she treated patients under the supervision of 18 doctors. After 3 months Dr. Charles Brusch and his research director Dr. Charles McClure concluded that Essiac had reduced pain and caused a recession in tumour growth, that patients had gained weight and shown a general improvement in health. They did not claim Essiac was a cure, but concluded it was "of benefit".

Rene finally gave her formula to the Resperin Corporation in 1977, shortly before her death in 1978. She sold the rights for $1 as the company promised to do clinical trials to prove that Essiac could cure cancer. In 1982 the Canadian government found that clinical evidence did not support claims that Essiac was an effective cancer treatment. However Essiac could be obtained by physician request under Canadian Emergency Drug Release Program.

Disappointed with Resperin Rene Caisse gave her formula to at least 2 trusted friends and the four herbs in the recipe are well known as:

• Rumex Acetosella (Sheep Sorrel)

• Arctium Lappa Root (Burdock)

• Ulmus Fulva Bark (Slippery Elm Bark)

• Rheum Pamatum Root (Turkey Red Rhubarb)

Rene Caisse added a fifth herb, Red Clover, when it was in season. For completeness we have added Red Clover, a plant with many healing properties. As well as being used for cancer patients, Red Clover is renowned for promoting a more positive outlook and increasing energy levels.

Helpful supplements

When I was undergoing treatment for breast cancer (the full monty - mastectomy, lengthy chemotherapy, radiotherapy and reconstruction) I researched changes that I could make to my lifestyle and diet that would help to strengthen my immune system and enhance my chances of overcoming cancer and making a full recovery.

After making the mistake of eating a creamy pasta lunch and feeling really sickly following my very first chemotherapy session, I did a complete detox, and then continued by eating only light salads and fruit on the days that I received my dose of chemotherapy. I never felt sick at all on this regime.

I also drank lots of water (at least 4 liters per day) during chemotherapy, as recomended by oncologists, to flush through the potent chemo drugs.

I discovered that cancer cells thrive in cells that have a reduced oxygen supply. So I did research into deep breathing techniques and began practicing them as I wanted to be sure to oxygenate my body as much as possible. These had the added benefit of helping me to relax and feel calmer, despite everything that I was going through.

I started eating a healthier diet, and stopped drinking alcohol during my treatment. As well as feeling healthier and more positive about my body and its capacity to heal, the bonus was that I lost weight. This did not please my Oncologist, though, as she had to recalculate my dosage of chemo drugs!

My research led to the discovery of Essiac Tincture based on the remedy devised by Rene Caisse who devoted her life to treating cancer patients with her Essiac formulation. She opened many cancer clinics and gained the support of many doctors that came to see and help in her work.

I felt much more positive during my treatment knowing that I was doing everything possible, and taking a holistic approach to my own healing. I was boosting my body's ability to heal itself, rather than merely hoping that having my body hacked into, being overdosed with toxic drugs and zapped with dangerous rays was going cure me!

Four years on I am healthier than I was before. Thanks to continuing with eating lots of salads, vegetables, fruit and pulses, not too many carbs and a small amount of meat and fish, I am at a weight that I am happy with and fit enough to enjoy scuba diving on a daily basis throughout the summer. I do take some routine health supplements like CoQ10, Krill oil, and Vitamin C, from Treasure Your Health, and most importantly Pearlcium - a wonderful discovery by a Chinese nutritionist.

Back in spring 2010, following a fairly sedentary winter, my ankles and hips had started causing me pain when walking wearing the heavy scuba gear. My joints felt as if they needed lubricating, the bones seemed as if they were crunching together under the 20 kilos of equipment.

I searched online for a solution and discovered Pearlcium. How amazing! After 3 weeks the pain had totally disappeared! I also lost the tingling that I used to get in my hands at night and stiffness that I experienced after sitting for hours at the computer. Pearlcium also has a host of other health and beauty benefits as well as helping with stress. So it proved to be a very lucky find.

The following winter, when I was having my seasonal break from diving, I decided to cut my dosage of Pearlcium from the recommended 2 tablets twice per day to 1 twice per day. Within a week I was re-experiencing the stiffness in my ankles after sitting for long spells at the computer and the tingling at night returned. So I went back to my normal dose and the problems disappeared very quickly.

When I began diving again this spring (2011) I wondered whether I would have any problems with being a little out of condition. This year everything was marvellous - no pain whatsoever, and I felt fitter than I had or years!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


The “Cancer Personality” 
The idea of a relationship between cancer and personality type has existed for centuries. In the second century AD a Greek physician, Galen, famous for his astute observations of patients and for his accurate descriptions of diseases, noted that women with breast cancer frequently had a tendency to be “melancholic”.

Research with thousands of modern day cancer patients by Dr Douglas Brodie in the USA and UK clinics like the Bristol Cancer Center suggests that there are certain personality traits which are rather consistently present in the cancer-susceptible individual. These characteristics are as follows: 
  • Being highly conscientious, responsible, caring, sweet-natured, patient, dutiful, obliging, hard-working, and usually of above average intelligence.
  • Exhibiting a strong tendency toward carrying other people's burdens and taking on extra obligations. Often "worrying for others."
  • Having a deep-seated need to make others happy in order to gain approval. Tending to be "people pleasers".
  • Often lacking closeness with one or both parents, sometimes lacking emotional intimacy with spouse or others who would normally be close.
  • Suppressing emotions, such as anger, resentment and/or hostility. Typically the cancer-susceptible individual internalizes such emotions and has great difficulty expressing them.
  • Reacting adversely to stress, often becoming unable to cope adequately with such stress. Usually experiencing an especially damaging event about 2 years before the onset of detectable cancer. The patient is unable to cope with this traumatic event or series of events, which comes as a "last straw" on top of years of suppressed reactions to stress.
  • Showing an inability to resolve deep-seated emotional problems and conflicts, usually arising in childhood, often even being unaware of their presence.

Typical of the cancer-susceptible personality is the tendency to suppress negative emotions, particularly anger. Usually starting in childhood, this individual has held in his/her hostility and other unacceptable emotions. More often than not, this feature of the affected personality has its origins in feelings of rejection by one or both parents. Whether these feelings or rejection are justified or not, it is the perception of rejection that matters, and this results in a lack of closeness with the "rejecting" parent or parents, followed later in life by a similar lack of closeness with spouses and others with whom close relationships would normally develop.

Those at higher risk for cancer tend to develop feelings of loneliness as a result of their having been deprived of affection and acceptance earlier in life, even if this is merely their own perception. These people have a tremendous need for approval and acceptance, developing a very high sensitivity to the needs of others while suppressing their own emotional needs. 

These good folk become the "caretakers" of the world, showing great compassion and caring for others, and going out of their way to look after the needs of others. They are very reluctant to accept help from others, fearing that it may jeopardize their role as caretakers or that they might appear to have too much self-concern. Throughout their childhood they have typically been taught "not to be selfish," and they take this to heart as a major lifetime objective.
This benevolence is highly commendable, of course, in our culture, but must be somehow modified in the case of the cancer patient. A distinction needs to be made here between the "care-giving" and the "care-taking" personality. There is nothing wrong with care-giving, but the problem arises when the susceptible individual derives his/her entire worth, value and identity from his/her role as "caretaker." If this shift cannot be made, the patient is stuck in this role, and the susceptibility to cancer greatly increases.

A consistent feature of those who are susceptible to cancer appears to be that they "suffer in silence," bearing their burdens and those of others without complaint. Through suppression, they internalize the problems, worries and conflicts, creating an underlying anxiety. The carefree extrovert, who is more optimistic, cheerful and not easily upset by criticism, seems to be far less vulnerable to cancer than the caring introvert described above. 

How one reacts to stress appears to be a major factor in the development of cancer. Most cancer patients have experienced a highly stressful event, usually about 2 years prior to the onset of detectable disease. This traumatic event is often beyond the person's control, such as the loss of a loved one, loss of a business, job, home, or some other major disaster. The typical cancer-prone personality has lost the ability to cope with these extreme events, because his/her coping mechanism lies in his/her ability to control the environment. When this control is lost, the person has no other way to cope. 

Major stress causes suppression of the immune system, and does so more overwhelmingly in the cancer-susceptible individual than in others. Thus personal tragedies and excessive levels of stress appear to combine with the underlying personality described above to bring on the immune deficiency which allows cancer to thrive. These observations have given rise to the term psychoneuroimmunology.  

One of the most difficult and most important hurdles to overcome is how to make major life-style changes, not only in the physical aspects of life such as eating habits, but in reactions to stress. The pattern of reaction to stress is due largely to the way people think about life. There can be no lasting changes of behavior without first having a change in thinking and in belief systems. 

It is often difficult for people to make substantial changes in these ingrained patterns of thought. However, self help techniques like EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) make it easier for people to work on these issues themselves quickly and painlessly. 


After many years of training and practice as a Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner I understand, and, more importantly, believe in the incredible power that the mind has to influence the body, our health and our emotions.  

There are countless reports of spontaneous remissions when patients were mistakenly informed that their test results had been mixed up and they weren't about to die after all. 

All of our body's cells are replaced every few months, so how does an illness persist unless we maintain it through our belief that it exists? ”Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just wish our cares away", as Robert Palmer sings? 

Even though I believe that I am an immortal spirit and, therefore, have no fear of death, I have to get on with the business of living within the physical body and its limitations while I’m here. I can get the best out of my body by caring for it well, giving it the best possible chance of being healthy through physical strategies, and by empowering my self-healing processes via the power of visualization. 


Now, many people think that they are no good at visualization. So try this…. Try not to imagine a pink elephant. You see? Everyone can visualize. It’s what we naturally do when we think, even if we are not consciously aware of it. We do it all the time, automatically. The trouble is that because we do it unconsciously (i.e. in a spontaneous and uncontrolled way) it is often pre-programmed with negativity, like when we imagine how painful something is going to be.  

To start you off there’s free book for you to download and read. It’s one of the first ever written on the power of positive thought, so the language is a little dated (man = mankind) but you’ll discover some gems if you read it through. The links inside the pdf will take you to a website where you can also access more free resources.


As a Hypnotherapist I attended a day seminar held by an expert in hypno-anesthesia. He had taught hundreds of his clients to go through labour, dental procedures and even surgery without any drugs whatsoever. I was intrigued to discover his techniques, and when volunteers were required my hand shot up. 

I was one of three guinea pigs due to have a sterile needle poked into our gums after he had demonstrated three different techniques for achieving anesthesia (numbness) using only guided visualization. I was first and followed his instructions faithfully, even though I was skeptical. I was relaxed, in a light hypnotic trance, but totally conscious, and fully expected to feel pain when the needle was stuck into my gum. To be honest, I looked at the audience for confirmation that the needle really had been stuck into my gum, as I felt nothing other than gloved fingers lifting my lip! 

When it was the second guinea pig’s turn, I was right next to her and watched ever so closely to see that the needle really did go into her gum. The third lady was so relaxed, in a deep trance, that by the time her turn came it was possible to push the needle through skin lifted up on the back of her hand, AND get her to open her eyes and look at it, without any pain NOR any bleeding. 

After learning those techniques I practiced until I was able to have dental treatment without the need for any injections. I could make my gums go as numb as if I had been injected with anesthetic and had to remember to reverse the process afterwards, to get the feeling back. THAT IS THE POWER OF THOUGHT AND VISUALISATION AT WORK and the great thing is that ANYONE CAN LEARN TO DO IT!!! 

One of the most important things that I learnt about pain, when I was training as an Ericksonian Hypnotherapist and NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) practitioner, is that you can divide pain into thirds: Remembered Pain, Anticipated Pain and Actual Pain. 

The actual level of pain only forms a third of our overall experience of pain, the rest being bolstered by memories of previous pain in similar situations and the anticipation of similar pain to come. 

How does this insight help? Here’s how: 
The actual pain can be reduced by relaxing and breathing deeply, visualising drawing the breath into and soothing the area of concern (apart from using specific hypnotic techniques).  The remembered pain can be tackled in a number of ways, depending on how strong the fear element is:
  • By simply rationalising that just because something hurt in the past, it doesn’t mean that it is going to feel the same this time
  • By using visualisations to release the memories of past pain and let them go
  • By using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) to work on past memories that are stuck

The anticipated pain can, again, be rationalised (unless you are especially pain-phobic) and you can use visualisation to imagine - and pre-programme your mind – that the procedure will be quick and easy. (I don’t recommend using the word “painless” because although it is the opposite of pain it brings your mind to think of one or the other, or different levels of pain. You need to steer clear of the thoughts that you don’t wish to visualise and concentrate on words like “soothing”, “comfortable”, “restful”, “pleasant sensation”… Get the picture? Literally? This really does work, and is a strategy that will help you to feel empowered as you go through the many procedures involved in your medical treatment.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


How did you feel when you first discovered the lump in your breast?  
  • Shock: "It couldn't happen to me!"
  • Panic: "It's bound to be cancer! I'm going to die."
  • Denial: "It's probably nothing. It will go away if I ignore it."
After visiting your doctor and whilst awaiting the outpatient appointment, what were you thinking... 
  • "What have I done to deserve this? Why me?"
  • "I'll have to go through painful tests and cancer treatment is so dreadful. I can't cope with this!"
  • "Typical of my rotten luck. I'm sure to be riddled with cancer and die a painful death"
Own up, but don't blame yourself. These thoughts and feelings are a normal reaction to the fear that the word CANCER triggers in all of us.


Upon receiving a diagnosis of breast cancer, thoughts and feelings run riot and it is hard to stay positive and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Going through the battery of tests and procedures is scary, and emotions can become overwhelming when we feel out of touch with our bodies and powerless over what seems to be happening to us.

There are lots of frightening media images and stories about breast cancer, as it tends to be bad news and celebrity gossip that makes the headlines. Many cancer myths abound rather than accurate survival rates.


The first step in my strategy to regain power over my health and welbeing was to gather as much information as I could. This was especially important as I was being treated in a foreign country where I was still far from fluent in the language.

The internet is a wonderful tool and I quickly searched for information under the following headings: 

  1. Medical treatment for breast cancer: types of surgey and reconstruction options, chemotherapy, radiotherapy (plus prognosis and side-effects)

  2. Scuba diving after breast cancer: professional opinion and experiences of other women

  3. Self help survival strategies for strengthening my inner resources (both emotional and physical) to fight the disease and cope with the challenging medical treatment process


It really helps if you have a goal to look forward to, so that you can visualise beyond the confines of that dark tunnel. My goal was to get back to scuba diving a.s.a.p. It is my passion and I had invested a lot of time, effort and hard cash to realise my dream of diving daily as a volunteer leading marine conservation projects.

I was not about to let breast cancer stand in my way and determined that I would be back underwater in the shortest possible timescale! In fact I was so focused on this goal that the possibility of dying hardly crossed my mind. I didn't feel ill and was fairly fit, apart from carrying a few extra pounds, and through my research I had discovered a number of self help breast cancer survival strategies that I planned to utilise to the fullest.

I told myself:  "At least it's a small lump, so my prognosis should be good" and enjoyed a great farewell party on board  the dive boat with my buddies, following a night dive,  and went for a wonderful dive on the morning of my surgery at our local Marine Reserve, the famous Medes Islands.

Next instalment coming soon...

Before I go, another question for you.

How many of you can pinpoint a number of stresses in the 2 or 3 years leading up to your diagnosis, that became emotionally overwhelming, making you feel helpless and wanting to escape? Does this ring a bell with anyone? I'm looking for patterns here. Let me know by replying to this post.